Stelli’s Creative Expression

My creative process includes writing (poetry + memoir + self-help), drawing (pencil + ink + Copic markers), painting (acrylic + gouache), photography (street + landscape), bookmaking, and my all-time favorite: zine-making.

Creating art, for me, is about having fun and enjoying what arises. I prefer to be an “unschooled” or “outsider” artist because it counteracts my perfectionist tendencies. I love to experiment with form, color, and story.


I love making zines (pronounced “zeens”) and made my first one when I was a teenager, before I even knew what a zine was. I make zines to express my feelings, to tell stories, to express my creativity, to teach, and to have fun.


I take photographs of things that inspire or move me in some way. Sometimes I don’t know why I’m drawn to something, but I follow my instinct in the moment. Later, when I sit with the images, I begin to hear the stories of each photograph.